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Climbing Injury Assessment, Treatment, and Rehabilitation

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Climbing Injury

Have an injury that has been holding you back ?


A injury consultation can you help you understand what is causing your pain and what steps you can take to overcome it. Reviews


Some injury examples that I can help with (but not limited to): finger pulley injury, knuckle inflammation, elbow tendonitis, rotator cuff tear, hip impingement, knee meniscal tear, ankle ligament sprain, belay neck, climber's elbow, crimp finger, capsulitis, lumbrical tear, repetitive strain injury, joint sprain, muscle strain.


I am based out of Squamish for in-person consultations and appointments. ** Remote also available **


**Injury consultations are chiropractic appointments and can be claimed under extended health insurance**


Or perhaps you would like to chat about climbing and/or training (no injury). I would be happy to dig in and help guide your progression in any way I can!

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